Sunday, May 7, 2023

Tether: A Stablecoin Controversy in the Cryptocurrency Market


Discover the pros and cons of using Tether, examine its history, controversies, and alternatives. Learn about the importance of Tether in the crypto market.


Cryptocurrency has been revolutionizing the world of finance since its inception. However, it is no secret that the cryptocurrency market has always been volatile, with prices fluctuating rapidly within seconds. In 2014, a new cryptocurrency called Tether was launched to address this problem.
Unlike other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Tether is a stablecoin that is pegged to the value of the US dollar. This makes it less volatile than other cryptocurrencies, making it an attractive option for traders looking for stability in their investments.

Definition of Tether

Tether is a stablecoin that was launched in 2014 by a company called Tether Limited. It is designed to be used as a digital representation of traditional fiat currencies like the US dollar or euro. The value of Tether is pegged to that of the fiat currency it represents, which means that one tether will always be worth one dollar.

Brief history of Tether

Tether was created in response to the need for a stable cryptocurrency that could provide traders with stability and security amidst rampant volatility in other cryptocurrencies. Since its launch, it has gained popularity among traders due to its predictable value and liquidity. Despite its widespread usage, however, Tether has been mired in controversy due to allegations surrounding its backing and connection with Bitfinex exchange - which some argue exerts undue influence over the wider crypto market through use of tether coins.

Importance of Tether in the cryptocurrency market

Tether plays an important role in stabilizing the often-volatile cryptocurrency market by providing traders with a reliable store of value. It allows traders to move funds between different exchanges without having to worry about price fluctuations affecting their holdings.
Furthermore, tether has become an essential tool for traders who use it to move funds rapidly between exchanges, and to avoid the unpredictable volatility of other cryptocurrencies. This means that tether has a significant impact on the overall health of the cryptocurrency market, as it helps to create stability and increase liquidity.
Tether has emerged as a critical component in the cryptocurrency ecosystem - providing traders with a stablecoin option that helps mitigate some of their risk. However, its role in recent controversies means that its future remains uncertain.

What is Tether?

Tether is a stablecoin that was created to maintain a stable value by being pegged to the value of the US dollar. The purpose of Tether is to provide a stable currency option for traders who need to switch between different cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies quickly and efficiently. It serves as a bridge between cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies, providing liquidity and stability in an otherwise volatile market.

Definition and explanation of Tether

Tether is not considered a cryptocurrency in the traditional sense since it does not operate on a blockchain network. Instead, it runs on top of various blockchain networks like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tron. The digital asset is issued by Tether Limited, which has complete control over the supply of tokens in circulation.
The company claims that every Tether issued corresponds to one US dollar held in reserve, making it a 1:1 backing ratio for each token. This allows users to buy or sell Tethers at any time without worrying about price fluctuations since its value remains constant with respect to the US dollar.

How does it work?

Tethers are created when users deposit US dollars into an account managed by Tether Limited. Once received, the corresponding amount of tokens are issued on the relevant blockchain network using smart contracts that enable automatic issuance and redemption.
To maintain its stability, Tether periodically undergoes audits from external accounting firms who verify that their reserves match their outstanding tokens in circulation. However, these audits have been scrutinized in recent years due to concerns over transparency.

Different types of tethers

There are three types of tethers available: 1) USD-T: This is the original version pegged 1:1 against the US dollar. 2) EUR-T: This version is pegged against the Euro instead of USD.
3) CNH-T: This version is pegged against the offshore Chinese yuan. Each type of Tether is designed to cater to different regions and their fiat currencies, allowing users to switch between them seamlessly, giving them more options for stable trading.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Tether


1) Stable value: One of the biggest advantages of using Tether is that it has a stable value. Tether is pegged to the US dollar, which means that for every Tether token issued, there is an equivalent amount of US dollars held in reserve.
This makes it an ideal cryptocurrency for traders who are looking to avoid the volatility that is characteristic of other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. 2) Easy to use for trading purposes: Another advantage of using Tether is that it is easy to use for trading purposes.
Because its value corresponds to the US dollar, traders can easily convert their other cryptocurrencies into Tether and then use Tether to trade on cryptocurrency exchanges. This also eliminates the need to move funds between different exchanges in order to take advantage of price differences.
3) Provides liquidity to the cryptocurrency market: Finally, Tether provides liquidity to the cryptocurrency market by offering a stablecoin alternative. Since its launch in 2015, it has become one of the most widely used cryptocurrencies in terms of daily volume traded.


1) Centralized control by the company behind it: One major disadvantage of using Tether is that it is centralized and controlled by one company. This means that if anything were to happen with this company (such as bankruptcy or fraud), all users holding Tethers could potentially lose their investment. 2) Security risks: Another disadvantage of using tether is security risks.
In recent years, there have been several cases where hackers were able to gain access to accounts and steal millions worth of digital assets including tether tokens. 3) Legal concerns: Finally, there are also legal concerns related to Tether.
Some speculate that Tether might not be fully backed by US dollars, which could lead to regulatory issues in the future. Overall, while Tether does offer some advantages such as providing liquidity and a stable value, it is important to consider the potential risks before investing or using Tether for trading purposes.

The Controversy Surrounding Tether

Tether has found itself in the center of a lot of controversy, mainly due to accusations of market manipulation. The primary concern is whether Tether has the reserves to back up all the USDT it has issued. This issue is compounded by the fact that Tether has not undergone a full audit, so investors have no way of verifying if the company does indeed have enough reserves.
Some market experts believe that Tether could be printing USDT out of thin air, which would significantly affect cryptocurrency markets' stability. Another source of concern is Tether's connection to Bitfinex exchange.
Both companies share leadership and ownership, and there are allegations that Bitfinex uses Tether to manipulate cryptocurrency prices artificially. The allegations stem from suspicions that Bitfinex issues large amounts of new USDT when cryptocurrency prices are falling to drive up demand for digital assets, and then sell off their holdings when prices rise again.

Accusations of Market Manipulation

The accusations surrounding market manipulation aren't just limited to concerns about Tether's relationship with Bitfinex. In 2018, research by University of Texas scholars suggested that Bitcoin's historic price surge in 2017 might have been driven by market manipulation involving Tether and other cryptocurrencies.
It is believed that large-scale purchases with USDT were made on major exchanges without actual dollar backing (i.e., printing new tokens), creating artificial demand for cryptocurrency assets resulting in skyrocketing prices. While these allegations remain unproven and have been denied by both companies repeatedly, they continue to cast doubt on the trustworthiness and transparency surrounding Tether.

Connection to Bitfinex Exchange

The connection between Bitfinex and Tether goes back several years when both entities were created by Philip Potter, Giancarlo Devasini, and Brock Pierce as part of a larger cryptocurrency project called Realcoin. Tether was initially launched as the currency of choice for Bitfinex traders, but its adoption quickly spread to other exchanges.
The relationship between the companies became even more complex in 2018 when Bitfinex reportedly lost access to around $850 million in assets held by a payment processor called Crypto Capital. To make up for the shortfall, Bitfinex allegedly borrowed $625 million from Tether's reserves, leading to renewed concerns about whether Tether actually had sufficient backing.

Lawsuits Against the Company

Tether has also faced several legal challenges, including a class-action lawsuit that accused the company of creating artificial demand and driving up cryptocurrency prices. In January 2021, Tether also settled with the New York Attorney General's office for $18.5 million over allegations that it misrepresented its dollar-backed reserves and misled investors. As lawsuits against Tether continue to emerge, it remains unclear how these legal battles will impact its position in the cryptocurrency market going forward.

Alternatives to Using Tether

The Rise of Stablecoins

While Tether remains the most widely used stablecoin in the market, there are other alternatives available. One of the most popular is USD Coin (USDC), which is backed by Coinbase and Circle. Another option is Paxos Standard, which is fully regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services.
Other stablecoins include Dai, TrueUSD, and Gemini Dollar. These coins aim to provide a stable value for traders while avoiding some of the controversies that have plagued Tether.

Fiat Currencies

One obvious alternative to using Tether is to simply use fiat currencies such as US dollars or Euros. While this may not be as convenient for trading purposes, it provides a more secure and regulated option for those who are wary of stablecoins. However, it's worth noting that using fiat currencies on cryptocurrency exchanges can come with its own set of challenges, including strict regulations and higher fees.


Overall, Tether has played an important role in the cryptocurrency market by providing a stable value option for traders. However, its controversial history and centralized control have led many investors to seek out alternative options such as other stablecoins or fiat currencies.

Despite these concerns, it's clear that there will continue to be a demand for stablecoin options in the cryptocurrency industry. As such, it's likely that we'll see continued innovation in this space with new and improved solutions being developed over time.  

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